Saturday, October 8, 2011

Clueless Politicians Overseeing The Decline Of A Super Power.

American politicians on the federal level, and now it appears on the state level, seem to believe that America's decline is an inevitability and that the power to unseat us will be China. The fact that China holds over a trillion dollars of our nations debt and has millions of jobs that formerly belonged to Americans is well documented. These are the adverse effects of the free trade globalist philosophy promoted by both American political parties. Our elected officials are watching the decline of a great nation and act as if they don't care. In fact they keep entering treaties that encourage it.

You may be interested to know that our Missouri politicians are trying to complete a deal with the Chinese to bring more of their products into St. Louis. These products will be stored in warehouses throughout the area before being shipped around the country. The folks in Jefferson City are of the misguided notion that more Chinese products being sold in America can some how create American jobs. This will of course create some jobs, but they will be for the citizens of China, not America. Leaving us to be little more than a sales force for Chinese products.

When America manufactured products for itself and the rest of the world, we had a well employed, prosperous and growing middle class. A man could earn a decent wage for a decent days work. In fact it was possible for just the man to work and for the women to stay home and raise a family, and still be able to pay the bills. Today both parents have to work and many times the bills still do not get paid. When America abandoned manufacturing, we in effect abandoned the middle class. Now when politicians boast of job creation, they decline to tell that it was in waiters, waitresses and retail clerk positions. The death of the middle class has never been more evident.

A nation that does not manufacture will not stay a super power very long. One of the advantages that let America win WW2 so quickly was our ability to manufacture what we needed to win the war. If that same situation was put on us today, who would we rely on to build our high tech war machines? China? We already borrow the money from China to fund the wars we are currently fighting. What if the foe ends up being China? America would have to immediately rebuild factories here that took us 20 years to ship abroad.

Today, due to trade agreements that encourage offshore production, America produces very little of what we consume. Production for thousands of products that used to be made in USA has been moved offshore to take advantage of cheap foreign labor. Those products can then be imported into the U.S. with little to no cost. In some of the Asian countries you can hire 50 of their workers for every one of ours, making it near impossible for American manufacturers to compete. The biggest beneficiary of this situation has been China by far. China has used this opportunity to grow its economy and employ its own people with jobs that once belonged to Americans and as a result has moved millions of their citizens into the middle class.

What is China doing with their newfound economic prosperity? They are building their military to fight ours! They have just recently completed an Aircraft carrier to add to their Navy. Aircraft carriers have only one purpose, to project your military might around the world. Why would China need to project their military might? Energy, minerals and food. China has a growing economy that needs energy and natural resources, and a growing population of 1.3 billion people that it needs to keep fed. In the coming decades America will be in fierce competition for resources with the Communist Chinese.

For these reasons China has been traversing the globe buying up rights to oil, minerals and buying up large tracks of farmland. They are also starting to flex some of that military muscle against countries like Vietnam and The Philippines over potential oil fields in the South China Sea. Meanwhile Republicans and Democrats bicker over 2 years worth of oil in the disputed region of ANWR. The Chinese are preparing for the future while our politicians are preparing for the next election.

Though the circumstances seem dire, a solution can still be applied for America to retain its Super Power status and regain its manufacturing power as well. Our politicians need look no further than our own history. Alexander Hamilton, America's first Treasury Secretary designed a system of economics to deal specifically with such a problem. Our fledgling Republic was facing the same problem with Mercantilist England. He designed a system of tariffs and trade that prevented the British from dumping their cheap goods onto the American continent. This system served America well for 200 years until the free trade globalists took control. The free-trade globalist theory has bankrupted America and we are now poorer and weaker as a result. That system benefits the few and sacrifices the rest on the altar of a global economy, resulting in the destabilization of our own economy here at home. Raising our tariffs to a fair level would balance our trade and put Americans back to work.

The question is, will the voters keep voting for two parties who have overseen America's decline and accepted it as inevitable or will they vote in candidates from The Constitution Party? The only party that would employ solutions proven to work, solutions that kept America strong and prosperous up until the Republicans and Democrats abandoned them. The members and candidates of the Constitution Party have not accepted the decline of America as an inevitability. We believe this country is worth fighting for and will do everything in our power to restore it. Will you join us in our effort to restore America? The future of generations yet unborn depend on your answer.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cynthia Davis For Lt. Governor. Holding Government Accountable!

How could we have let this happen? How could we continue to elect men and women from both political parties who have overseen the greatest decline of a world super power in history? It was all done on their watch, together, hand locked in hand. How could we continue to elect men and women who would lay their hands on the Bible and swear to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States and then in the very next breath they propose something that violates that very oath?

Folks its time to face up to the fact that both parties have been selling the American people a bill of goods. We have listened to their rhetoric long enough and watched them lay the blame elsewhere for every problem under the sun. If we are going to save our country and save the State we are in, the effort will have to come from outside the two parties currently in power. They are simply incapable of change. They are experts at bickering and complaining, while never solving the problem. They refuse to go back and follow the blueprint for success left to us by our founders who sacrificed their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to build the greatest, most prosperous and freest nation in history.

Their inability to solve problems comes from their inability to admit that they were wrong and have made mistakes. So instead they continue to put a band-aid on problems instead of trying to solve them. This needs to stop folks, our national future is at stake. Today it is all too evident what our problems are, what we need are elected officials who are willing to do what it takes to solve them.

We have such a person here in Missouri, her name is Cynthia Davis. Mrs. Davis is a former Republican State Representative who served four terms in the Missouri House. Cynthia has recently left the Republican party and joined the Constitution Party (please read her "Letter To The Republican Party" for her reason for leaving). She is running for the office of Lt. Governor and her name will be on the ballot for the 2012 election. Cynthia's track record in the State house is one of solving problems by proposing and voting for good legislation. She has earned a reputation as one who holds politicians in both parties accountable to their oath of office and to the people they represent.

Its time to cast your vote for someone who will hold our government accountable to us, not special interest groups. Cynthia will “lift the iron shade of government” for all of us to see. No back room compromise by the two parties will go unreported once Rep. Davis is elected Lt. Governor. As Representative Davis puts it she will “be perfectly positioned as Lt. Governor to hold both parties accountable.” Its time to elect a principled constitutional conservative to office. Its time to elect Cynthia Davis for Lt. Governor. Check out Cynthia's website at